Committee Members

District 1
Sandy Scofield

District 2
Aaron Strong
Darby O'Brien, Secretary

District 3
Mary O'Neill
Liam Card

District 4
Shirley Knop

District 5
Jennifer DeWeerth
Mona Perrotti

District 6
Sarah McCullough
Bill Thickstun, Vice Chair

District 7
Chad Davis

District 8
Kathy Collett, Chair
Alan Cole, Treasurer

District 9
Jessica Collett
Germaine Gogel

District 10
Sue Timian
Jennifer Geiger



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The Town of Kirkland Democratic Committee welcomes donations. Please consider supporting our efforts.


Donate through our secure Act Blue fundraising site:


Or send a check to:

Kirkland Democratic Committee
PO Box 74
Clinton, NY 13323


Your contributions help us fund mailings to turn out the Democratic vote, newsletters, our annual Gathering on the Green in September, and public issue events.

Many thanks for all that you can do!


If you have questions, please contact us at: