Committee Members

District 1
Sandy Scofield

District 2
Aaron Strong
Darby O'Brien, Secretary

District 3
Mary O'Neill
Liam Card

District 4
Shirley Knop

District 5
Jennifer DeWeerth
Mona Perrotti

District 6
Sarah McCullough
Bill Thickstun, Vice Chair

District 7
Chad Davis

District 8
Kathy Collett, Chair
Alan Cole, Treasurer

District 9
Jessica Collett
Germaine Gogel

District 10
Sue Timian
Jennifer Geiger



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 mission statement

The Town of Kirkland Democratic Committee's mission is to support the election of Democratic candidates for public office who will champion the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution and work towards legislation based on progressive moral values, in our local community, state, and nation.

 our democratic values

Responsibility to Society:

  • Guarantee a good education to all citizens through fiscal support of public schools, with full funding of current reform initiatives.
  • Provide improved national security without infringing upon our constitutional rights through reassessment of the Patriot Act.
  • Support state and local security by funding police and fire departments.
  • Maintain a strong and impartial justice system through fair, but thorough, review and questioning of candidates for Federal Judgeships.
  • Guarantee access to information by restoring full State funding for Public Libraries.

Support of the General Welfare: United States Flag

  • Provide assistance to the nation's most vulnerable people by creating initiatives for training, education, and reliable child care.
  • Create opportunities for all people to be successful through support of small businesses, advanced education assistance, and enforcement of non-discrimination laws.
  • Assure universal access to health care by establishing a health care program that covers all citizens
  • Continue to provide a safety net for retirees and the disabled by maintaining the proven Social Security System.

Stewardship of our Natural Resources:

  • Support alternative sources of energy and promote conservation by proposing a new, sustainable energy policy.
  • Protect the nation's parks and wildernesses permanently by creating legislation that limits destructive activities, whether individual, corporate, or governmental.
  • Recognize any policy's destructive consequences, especially depletion of non-renewable resources and elimination of habitat for other creatures living in this land.
  • Take responsibility for the environment at the local governmental level by implementing environmentally sound provisions in the Town of Kirkland's Master Plan.

Fiscal Responsibility:

  • Balance the federal budget by reversing the tax cut for the wealthy and implementing other fiscally and socially sound budgeting practices.
  • Remove the debilitating pressure of regressive local property and sales taxes on communities by fully funding federal mandates and adjusting state school funding formulas.
  • Reestablish the fiscal strength of the nation by addressing the staggering national debt and trade deficit.
  • Practice fiscal responsibility while providing necessary services to local, county, state, and federal entities, by encouraging cooperation between local, county, state, and federal levels of government, wherever possible.

 our by-laws

The Town of Kirkland Democratic Committee is governed by the following by-laws:

By-Laws of the Democratic Committee of the Town of Kirkland (2021) (45K .pdf)